This is one of the best weight loss meals I’ve ever designed. It’s started as a Dan’s Denver Omelet (a guy in Colorado), and I’ve improved it since based on a traditional tortilla. Eggs and potatoes are two of the most filling foods, but I was stilled shocked by how hard this meal is to finish.

Serves : 4
Time : 60 minutes
Nutrition : 500 kcal, 520 g, 32% protein Fullness : 10/10


800g potato (flesh)
12 large eggs
8 bacon medallions
15g olive oil
1 large onion
Salt and pepper


1. Peel and slice your potatos thinly so they will spread out in the pan. I weigh the potato flesh itself as you lose a lot of skin peeling.

2. Add your oil to a pan or skillet. Once its hot add in your potatoes and fry gently for 10 minutes.

3. Add the sliced onion and fry for 5 more minutes.

4. Next add your bacon medallions.

5. Crack the 12 eggs into a large mixing bowl and season with a bunch of salt and pepper.

6. Transfer the potato mix into the eggs and fold together. Allow this to rest for 20 minutes and soak up the flavor.

7. Pour the mix into a baking tray lined with baking paper and cooking for 30 minutes at 180C.

One of the great thing about this meal is that it allows you to ‘take an omlette to work’. The moisture locked in the tortilla means it reheats like a dream in the microwave, just make sure you have salt and pepper with you.

Enjoy, Lindsay