Hi, my name is Lindsay.

Welcome to the Filling Meals website.

My journey into the world of weight loss coaching started back in 2015 when I lost 27kg (60 lbs). That’s how I got into the whole ‘Filling Meals’ thing.

I built my first filling meal plan after researching what natural bodybuilders do during show prep. But rather than focus on calories or macros, I kept my attention on the satiety of each meal.


For a couple of years after I lost the weight I was constantly helping friends lose weight.

In 2018 I started doing group coaching, then in 2020 transitioned to doing 1-1s with just heavy dads (+100kg).

The big breakthrough in my coaching came when I started micromanaging my clients’ first meal. I call it the anchor meal.

Among the 50 dads I coached since focusing in on the first meal, the average weight loss was a little over 17kg. The highlight being helping my 74-year-old dad lose 40kg.

If you want to start using filling meals here’s my best advice.

Focus your energy on your first meal of the day!

Make it massive, high in protein, fibre rich and nutritious. Once you get the first meal right, everything else will fall into place.

