This is an incredibly delicious weekend brunch that is sure to impress. I normally make this for two but have put the recipe for one up here just in case you want to test it yourself. In the recipe below I’ve added lentils to bump up the fibre.

Serves : 1
Time : 20 minutes
Nutrition : 500 kcal, 534 g, 27% protein, 13g fibre
Fullness Score : 7/10


200g leeks
100g spinach
5g butter
30g reduced fat feta 100g lentils (tinned)
3 large eggs
A sprinkle of cumin
Salt and pepper
Juice of a lemon


1. Heat the butter in a metal pan till it bubbles. Add the chopped leak and fry for 3 minutes.

2. Add spinach, cumin, pepper and lemon juice, plus a little boiling water. Reduce the heat and let the mix simmer for a few minutes with a lid on until the spinach has reduced and the leeks are soft.

3. Make three small gaps in the mixture with a spoon. Add the eggs to each hole. Crumble feta on top, add a lid if possible and poach the eggs for 4-5 minutes.

4. Serve hot with some lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste.

The main challenge with this dish is to get the eggs right. It's very easy to over cook them if you aren't watching, so best to test them while you are cooking to make make sure they still have some ooze ;-)

Enjoy, Lindsay