This is actually a very filling meal, but you need to be careful with your choice of sausage and bacon to make it work! It could easily blow out to a thousand calories if you don’t pay attention. I always do a ‘one pan fry up’ as I don’t like washing up.

Serves : 1
Time : 20 minutes
Nutrition : 500 kcal, 462 g, 37% protein


200g mushrooms
2 large eggs
2 bacon medallions
150g tomatoes
2 small pork chipolatas
150g baked beans
A spray of oil


The easiest way to avoid to much washing up is to do a 'one pan fry up'.

1. Put a non stick pan on a medium and begin with the chipolatas as they need the most time.

2. Once the sausages are starting to cook at the bacon medallions.

3. Next add mushrooms, soaking up and fat that is in the pan from the chipolata or bacon.

4. Add the tomato slices face down.

5. Put your beans in the pan (or in a seperate pot if you prefer.

6. Finally once everything looks done, fry your eggs as you like them.

Everything in this meal is better when its piping hot so eat it directly upon serving. You can also transfer to an oven as you go if you like.

Enjoy, Lindsay