Get in Great Shape by Mastering Filling Meals

Filling Meals Club is a community for Food Lovers that want to shape up

£29/month (US$37, AU$49, EU€34)

Cancel anytime with one click

Filling Meals Club is a group coaching program for people that want to lose weight as simply as possible using Filling Meal Planning.

The benefits of Filling Meal Planning are:

  1. You are LESS HUNGRY while losing

  2. You learn how to KEEP WEIGHT OFF

  3. You spend LESS TIME making food

  4. You eat NORMAL DINNERS with family


  6. You can SAVE MONEY on food bills

  7. You will GAIN ENERGY as you slim up


1. The 28 Day Challenge

2. Filling Meal Recipes

3. Meal Plan Design Course

4. Client Case Studies

5. What’s Cooking Community

1) The 28 Day Challenge

The 28 Challenge is designed to kickstart your weight loss and learn how to plan Filling Meals into your week strategically. You always start your challenge on a Monday. The results above give you an idea of what to expect.

  • 1 - Focus Your Energy (3 min)

  • 2 - Track Your Weight (3 min)

  • 3 - Design Your Day (3 min)

  • 4 - Prepare on Sunday (3 min)

  • 5 - Eat Like a Robot (2 min)

Note: your goal is to lose 4% of your weight in 28 Days. This sets you up for the long term.


Inside the app I’m building a collection of Filling Meal Recipes to help clients lose weight. We’ve started with the fundamentals of eggs, yogurt and salads, and this month are doing Tray Bakes. The Tray Bakes proved incredibly effective for weight loss in the first challenge, so we are doubling down.


The first thing you do in the community is to build your Filling Meal Plan. This the tool will keep you lean for life. Here are a few benefits it gives you:

  1. It makes weight loss simpler

  2. It can get you get in incredible shape

  3. It helps you eat normal dinners

  4. It helps you think less about food

  5. It will help you keep weight off


To help inspire new members journey’s I’m putting together a series of case studies. Each details the meal plan of a past clients that has lost between 10kg and 50kg. Not only do these stories provide inspiration, but they give you examples you might be able to model. The photo above is Brendan who dropped 40kg aged 75!


My favorite part of this project I’m most looking forward to is the community. Inside that app we have a section called ‘What’s Cooking’ where people can share meal ideas, talk about their wins and where I’ll be able to poll the group to find out what I’ll be cooking next. Can’t wait for this bit 😋

£29/month (US$37, AU$49, EU€34)

Cancel anytime with one click

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. It’s just month to month. You can cancel at any time. The idea is to let people do their first challenge cheaply. If you like it, you stay for more, if not it’s a one click cancel. You’re in control of that.

  2. Do I need to exercise? No. I’ve had people lose +40kg without formal exercise. But if you are aiming to look and feel your best some type of strength training will help. Cardio is wonderful for longevity.

  3. What if I’m vegetarian? I’ve coached a bunch of plant based clients before, and Filling Meals does work for this, but at this point I don’t have many meals for you. So, it’s probably not a good fit yet.

  4. How much weight can I lose? In your first four week challenge you can expect to lose 3-4% of your bodyweight. If you manage 4% it sets you up for future success.

  5. More questions?? Message me on Instagram. I’ll get back to you inside 24 hours

Hey, I’m Lindsay, the founder of Filling Meals. This photo is my before and after from back in 2015 when I originally lost 27kg (60 lbs). I got this result with my Filling Meal Plan and one hour of lifting per week. It just took my Filling Meal Plan, ten filling meal and patience (10 months).

£29/month (US$37, AU$49, EU€34)

Cancel anytime with one click