This is a suprising meal. It can be incredibly filling if you do it right, or a total mess is you overdo the butter or cream. I deliberately used lean bacon here to help push the protein up. Delicious!!

Serves : 1
Time : 15 minutes
Nutrition : 500 kcal, 440 g, 42% protein, 3g fibre
Fullness Rating : 8/10


3 large eggs
300g of mushrooms
4 bacon medallions (90g)
10g of butter


1. Put a skillet or frying pan on a medium heat and add the bacon.

2. After about 5 minutes turn the bacon and add the mushrooms to the pan.

3. When the mushrooms and bacon start to look good reduce the heat and add the butter to one corner of the pan.

4. Mix your eggs with a fork and add them to the butter.

5. Every 20 seconds fold the sides of the eggs into the middle. Do not leave the pan alone at this point or you'll over cook the eggs.

6. When you are happy with the eggs serve the lot on a plate with salt and pepper.

Obviously you can make eggs without adding butter, but they just aren't the same for me. I try to get a bit on the mushrooms too. Enjoy

Enjoy, Lindsay