These pancakes are fantastic. I've been making greek yogurt pancakes for years, but the added volume from the banana and lower fat yogurt really sets them apart. So much volume!!

Serves : 1
Time : 15 minutes
Nut : 500 kcal, 470g, 32% protein, 5g fibre
Fullness Rating : 7/10


One banana (90g)
Two medium eggs
200g reduced fat Greek yogurt (0%)
40g self raising flour
50g blueberries
Olive oil spray
Maple syrup (not counted)


1. Put a non stick pan on medium heat so you'll be ready to go when the batter is done.

2. Mash the banana, then mix in the eggs and then Greek yogurt so you have a lumpy mix.

3. Sift in the flour gradually and mix until you have a smooth batter.

4. Spray some oil on the pan and add a tablespoon of batter to one corner. Repeat two more times so you have three pancakes roughly the size of the palm of your hand.

5. Wait a few minutes until you start to see bubbles forming around the edges of each pancake, then flip them and cook the other side till golden brown. Repeat the process until your stack is done (6-9 pancakes)

6. Dress with the blueberries. Add a bit of maple syrup if you fancy it, or icing sugar.

The only way you can mess this up is by having the pan too hot. You need to wait for the bubbles to ensure each pancake is cooked through.

Kid loves these!! Which is proof they are great ;-)

Enjoy, Lindsay