Bread is a divisive food in weight loss circles. I personally still eat bread while I’m losing weight, but only at the weekend. It’s just not filling like potato, oats or pasta. For this meal I’ve used thin slices of sourdough with four scramled eggs.

Serves : 1
Time : 10 minutes
Nutrition : 500 kcal, 412 g, 21% protein, 2g fibre
Fullness : 5/10


10g salted butter
4 large eggs
70g of sourdough bread
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Put your four eggs in a bowl. Season to taste and give them a quick mix with a fork

2. Heat a non stick pan to a medium heat and add 10 grams of butter. The moment the butter has melted add the eggs.

3. As the eggs start to set gradually move them around the pan to stop them getting hard or gritty.

4. The moment they look even close to done turn the heat off as they will continue to cook with the heat of the pan.

5. Toast your bread and serve the eggs on top. Add salt and pepper to taste.

I only learnt to make decent eggs when recently. I never used butter in the past and that was a mistake. The texture is just superior, even just 10 grams makes a big difference.

Enjoy, Lindsay