I love food like this. Not so much a meal as a collection of ingredients that are so good they stand alone. The micronutrition for this meal is spectacular. More about health than fullness.

Serves : 1
Time : 10 minutes
Nutrition : 500 kcal, 455 g, 36% protein, 7g fibre Fullness : 6/10


150g smoked salmon
150g vine tomatoes
100g avocado
2 large eggs
A handful of rocket
A wedge of lemon
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Put a pan of water on to boil. Splash in some vinegar and give it a swirl. Drop in your eggs and leave them for 3-4 minutes to poach

2. While the eggs poach grab your avocado then peel and slice it.

3. Put the salmon, tomatoes, avocado and rocket on the plate

4. When the eggs are done lift them out of the water and allow then to dry for few seconds before placing on the plate

5. Finish with salt, pepper and lemon juice.

The only challenge here is getting the eggs right. I did take a photo of these ones oozing after I cut them, but it looked much nice like this. Such a wonderful plate of food.

Enjoy, Lindsay