This simple plate has a special place in my heart because it was my primary breakfast the year I lost 27kg. It's an idea I picked up from body builders, but they normally do it with protein powder which tastes awful. Greek yogurt is far superior. I add a little granola so get this hot, cold and crunch thing going on!

Serves : 1
Time : 10 minutes
Nut : 500 kcal, 527 g, 23% protein, 7g fibre Fullness : 8/10


60g of porridge oats (oatmeal)
200ml semi skimmed milk
200ml of cold water
150g Greek natural yogurt (2%)
10g super nutting granola
Cinnamon to taste


1. Add the milk, water and porridge oats together. Cook for 2 minutes in a microwave or for 10 minutes on a stove, until thick and creamy.

2. Transfer your porridge (oatmeal) to a bowl then add the Greek yogurt, granola and a splash of milk to the top.

3. Finish with a sprinkle of cinnamon, or some brown sugar if that's how you like it (not listed here)

This is a curious dish. It's not the most filling breakfast you can make, but its just so incredibly practical. It's also crazy healthy as it ticks of a lot of nutritional boxes.

Enjoy, Lindsay