Shakshuka means "mixed" in Arabic, and it’s one of the most glorious ways to poach eggs on the planet.

Serves : 1
Time : 25 minutes
Nutrition : 500 kcal, 675 g, 27% protein Fullness : 8/10


3 large eggs (50g each)
2 large tomatoes (250g)
Half a pepper (100g)
A small onion
20g Kalamata olives (pitted)
50g low fat feta
A clove of garlic
A teaspoon of olive oil (5 ml)
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon Harissa
Flat leaf parsley
Half a lemon
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Put a pan on a medium heat and chip up onion, garlic, peppers and tomatoes.

2. Using a liberal splash of olive oil fry the onion, garlic and pepper. As they start to go soft add the paprika to the mix.

3. Once the onions start to brown and the paprika has soaked in, add the tomatoes and slowly bring to a boil.

4. Add the Harissa, and a little boiling water, then
put a lid on, reduce the heat, and leave to simmer for 10 minutes to infuse all the flavours

5. After ten minutes make three small holes in the tomato mix, then crack
your eggs in. Add your pieces of feta and the olives to the top of the mix. Now put the lid back on and leave the eggs to poach for 4-6 minutes.

6. When it’s done garnish with the parsley to serve, and add salt and pepper to taste. I also like to add fresh lemon juice myself.

This meal is just heavenly. For me it's more of a weekend dish, as its got a great Sunday brunch vibe about it. The Harissa can have a serious kick so be careful. Most of all don't overcook the eggs. If you want them to be runny take it off the heat pretty quickly, as it will keep cooking in the mixtures heat.

Enjoy, Lindsay