This meal is just three very nutritious ingredients on a plate. It’s a hard meal to do inside the 500 calorie budget, needing a pretty lean steak. It’s crazy nutritious though.

Serves : 1
Time : 15 minutes
Nutrition : 500 kcal, 350 g, 42% protein
Fullness : 6/10


150g medallion steak (lean cut)
3 medium eggs
90g avocado
Juice of a lemon
Salt and pepper


1. Heat a pan and throw on your steak. Use a spray or splash of oil if you want

2. After 3-4 minutes turn your steak.

3. When the steak is done, put it on a board to rest and throw in three eggs.

4. Every 10-15 seconds use a spatula to mix your eggs. Be sure not to overcook them. Keep the heat moderate

5. Slice your avocado then bring it all together on a plate.

6. Serve with plenty of pepper, salt and lemon for the avocado.

Enjoy, Lindsay